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To Do

A typical visit to Siempre Verde might include hiking on area trails, day trips to nearby villages, lectures by regional experts, study of the local culture and language, and volunteering with children at Escuela Rio Cenepa.

    Arriba Trail Difficulty: very challenging Description: Imagine a ridgeline hike that leaves you breathless - literally. The Arriba trail is an uphill haul that leads to a breathtaking view of Mt. Cotacachi above and an emerald green valley below. Your hike begins from the research center at approximately 8,500 feet and ascends to 10,900 feet at the summit. You'll pass through three different ecological zones and spy a distant fourth as your mind attempts to grasp a dizzying array of plant life. If you have ever imagined that a character from a fairytale might step from the pages of a childhood story, you will believe it possible as you pass through the elfin forest near the summit. The trees here grow only slightly taller than your head but they are adorned with robes of moss, and about their feet and crowns clouds of mist pass through in airy transformation. For those less inclined to take on the most difficult hike, they can pull up a log at the first plateau to enjoy the flashes of hummingbirds, listen to water pouring through the valley below, and soak up the scents of clean air and vegetation tat surrounds them. River Trail Difficulty: moderate/difficult Description: The headwaters of the River Trail leave the snowfields of Mt. Cotacachi high above the verdant hillsides of Siempre Verde. These are the cool clear waters of Rio Taobunche. During heavy winter rains and particularly El Nino years, these same relatively calm waters roll boulders the size of automobiles down their winding pathway. In drier years, the surrounding forests reclaim land that the river scours clean. This natural cycle of give and take assures us of a trail that is never the same, for our trail is the river itself. The first touches of the river are startling and few believe a swim very plausible. However, after a few bends of rock hopping, assisted crossings, and a little time under a warm equatorial sun, a natural rock slide over a deep swirling pool is difficult to pass up. Waterfall Trail Difficulty: moderate Description: This hike takes about one hour from the crossroads of the three trails (Arriba, Waterfall, River). It is a relatively flat trail with only a few elevation changes. Along the way are breathtaking views of the river below and the high ridges of the Arriba trail above. A short distance from the crossroads is a clearing where bamboo has taken a strong hold of this area. This trail is conducive to birding as many of the ground dwelling birds work their way up from the river and flowers along the trail that attract many different species of hummingbirds. The trail culminates with a spectacular waterfall that drops about 10 meters. The forest is very thick at this point and is a favorite site of many visitors. Arriba Shortcut Trail Difficulty: moderate Description: This trail goes behind the research station, which is also an excellent birding site. You can either sit in one of the spacious latrines and listen to the sounds of the river and birds up above, or take a hike up to the Arriba Trail. Along the way are spectacular views of the river below and the adjacent property on the other side of the river. There are many places to stop and watch for birds and orchids hanging off the high walls across the river, as well as a tree midway up the trail which has a small hole where a mated pair of trogans can sometimes be seen and heard. A good pair of binoculars is a must.
    Hot Springs A scenic one-hour drive through Santa Rosa and Apuela will take you to Piscinas de Nangulvi. The picturesque surroundings of the hot springs make this side trip a worthwhile experience to those willing to make the journey. Otavalo and Quito About two hours away from Santa Rosa is the market town of Otavalo. Saturday is market day in Otavalo, a great time to buy fresh fruits, vegetables, and livestock, as well as handmade textiles and crafts--such as purses and belts woven from the agave plant--that cater to the tourist trade. Quito, the capital of Ecuador, about four hours from Santa Rosa.
    In 1990, when Lovett Science teachers Connie and Bob Braddy passed through Santa Rosa, a village within the Andean cloudforest of Northwest Ecuador, they found the town's local school in desperate need of repair. The teachers pledged to assist the community with rebuilding the school. Within a year Lovett's Ecology Club raised funds, and the village fathers built the school, Escuela Rio Cenepa, establishing a bond between Santa Rosa and Lovett's Siempre Verde. In the 20-plus years since, students have continued to help provide for the school, offering supplies, uniforms, textbooks, and the like. Every Lovett-sponsored trip to Siempre Verde schedules time for visiting with the schoolchildren of Santa Rosa. Creating a relationship with the youth of the area is one of the most memorable lessons that students visting Siempre Verde learn. Getting to know the residents of these neighboring towns is a key component to a visit to Siempre Verde. Visitors to Siempre Verde are not trying to impose American values and ideas on the Ecuadorians, but rather to learn from them and to provide some vision and assistance to the Ecuadorians’ own goals.

To See


An abundance of flora and fauna can be found in the area surrounding Siempre Verde. 

The CloudForest is home to a variety of animal species, including mammals (such as the spectacled bear), birds, and reptiles. The plate-billed mountain toucan, the yellow-eared parrot, and the resplendent quetzal are just a few of the endangered bird species sighted in the branches surrounding the research station. A population of rare frogs are found within this protected forest, as well.

    Arriba Trail Difficulty: very challenging Description: Imagine a ridgeline hike that leaves you breathless - literally. The Arriba trail is an uphill haul that leads to a breathtaking view of Mt. Cotacachi above and an emerald green valley below. Your hike begins from the research center at approximately 8,500 feet and ascends to 10,900 feet at the summit. You'll pass through three different ecological zones and spy a distant fourth as your mind attempts to grasp a dizzying array of plant life. If you have ever imagined that a character from a fairytale might step from the pages of a childhood story, you will believe it possible as you pass through the elfin forest near the summit. The trees here grow only slightly taller than your head but they are adorned with robes of moss, and about their feet and crowns clouds of mist pass through in airy transformation. For those less inclined to take on the most difficult hike, they can pull up a log at the first plateau to enjoy the flashes of hummingbirds, listen to water pouring through the valley below, and soak up the scents of clean air and vegetation tat surrounds them. River Trail Difficulty: moderate/difficult Description: The headwaters of the River Trail leave the snowfields of Mt. Cotacachi high above the verdant hillsides of Siempre Verde. These are the cool clear waters of Rio Taobunche. During heavy winter rains and particularly El Nino years, these same relatively calm waters roll boulders the size of automobiles down their winding pathway. In drier years, the surrounding forests reclaim land that the river scours clean. This natural cycle of give and take assures us of a trail that is never the same, for our trail is the river itself. The first touches of the river are startling and few believe a swim very plausible. However, after a few bends of rock hopping, assisted crossings, and a little time under a warm equatorial sun, a natural rock slide over a deep swirling pool is difficult to pass up. Waterfall Trail Difficulty: moderate Description: This hike takes about one hour from the crossroads of the three trails (Arriba, Waterfall, River). It is a relatively flat trail with only a few elevation changes. Along the way are breathtaking views of the river below and the high ridges of the Arriba trail above. A short distance from the crossroads is a clearing where bamboo has taken a strong hold of this area. This trail is conducive to birding as many of the ground dwelling birds work their way up from the river and flowers along the trail that attract many different species of hummingbirds. The trail culminates with a spectacular waterfall that drops about 10 meters. The forest is very thick at this point and is a favorite site of many visitors. Arriba Shortcut Trail Difficulty: moderate Description: This trail goes behind the research station, which is also an excellent birding site. You can either sit in one of the spacious latrines and listen to the sounds of the river and birds up above, or take a hike up to the Arriba Trail. Along the way are spectacular views of the river below and the adjacent property on the other side of the river. There are many places to stop and watch for birds and orchids hanging off the high walls across the river, as well as a tree midway up the trail which has a small hole where a mated pair of trogans can sometimes be seen and heard. A good pair of binoculars is a must.
    Hot Springs A scenic one-hour drive through Santa Rosa and Apuela will take you to Piscinas de Nangulvi. The picturesque surroundings of the hot springs make this side trip a worthwhile experience to those willing to make the journey. Otavalo and Quito About two hours away from Santa Rosa is the market town of Otavalo. Saturday is market day in Otavalo, a great time to buy fresh fruits, vegetables, and livestock, as well as handmade textiles and crafts--such as purses and belts woven from the agave plant--that cater to the tourist trade. Quito, the capital of Ecuador, about four hours from Santa Rosa.
    In 1990, when Lovett Science teachers Connie and Bob Braddy passed through Santa Rosa, a village within the Andean cloudforest of Northwest Ecuador, they found the town's local school in desperate need of repair. The teachers pledged to assist the community with rebuilding the school. Within a year Lovett's Ecology Club raised funds, and the village fathers built the school, Escuela Rio Cenepa, establishing a bond between Santa Rosa and Lovett's Siempre Verde. In the 20-plus years since, students have continued to help provide for the school, offering supplies, uniforms, textbooks, and the like. Every Lovett-sponsored trip to Siempre Verde schedules time for visiting with the schoolchildren of Santa Rosa. Creating a relationship with the youth of the area is one of the most memorable lessons that students visting Siempre Verde learn. Getting to know the residents of these neighboring towns is a key component to a visit to Siempre Verde. Visitors to Siempre Verde are not trying to impose American values and ideas on the Ecuadorians, but rather to learn from them and to provide some vision and assistance to the Ecuadorians’ own goals.
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