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Several funds in The Lovett School Endowment are earmarked specifically for the benefit of Siempre Verde and its visitors, including the following. Since 2008, these funds have made possible seven partial or full scholarships for students in need of financial aid. With demand for aid increasing, we have been promoting availability of these funds to ensure all interested students have the opportunity to visit the reserve.
The Constance and Robert Braddy Siempre Verde Scholarship Fund
In appreciation of Constance and Bob Braddy and their dedication to creating Siempre Verde, Lovett established this fund in March 1997 to provide financial aid to qualified Lovett students wishing to travel to and study the Ecuadorian cloudforest classroom. The need-based award is given to students who demonstrate a passion for learning botany, conservation methods, and ecology.
The Siempre Verde Fund
Established in June 2003 through a challenge grant from Dorothy Fuqua, this fund supports the operations and facilities of Siempre Verde, Lovett’s cloudforest preserve located in the Andes Mountains of Northwest Ecuador. In FY09–10, interest from the account yielded enough to support several construction projects, the summer station manager position for 10 weeks, two trip instructor stipends, and one trip leader stipend. It also funded a visit from an Atlanta Botanical Garden employee this summer, continuing this important collaborative relationship.
The Frankel Family Siempre Verde Scholarship Fund
Established in January 2006 by Mr. and Mrs. Samuel N. Frankel, this fund provides support to students traveling to Siempre Verde. Recipients have demonstrated financial need and display qualities of good character, hard work, and the desire to pursue their educational interests outside the classroom.
Every year, The Lovett School sells a variety of Ecuadoran goods in the Campus Store, including organic coffee, artisan crafts, jewelry, and handmade clothing from Santa Rosa and Otavalo. In 2010 Lovett had over $1,400 in sales, enough to partially fund transport for Santa Rosa students to the high school in Apuela, as well as fresh fruits and vegetables for the lunch program at the elementary school in Santa Rosa.